Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Obligatory New Years "Self-improvement" Blog

The New Year always brings the promise of new beginnings and the hope of discarding bad habits. For most of us that wave of optimism lasts until about January 10 (maybe the 15th if we’re really dedicated…or the 4th if we have to start back to work too soon after the holidays).

I did not make a list of resolutions this year. It’s far too depressing to start the year off with failure. Instead, I have chosen to relax and try to simply enjoy the year and the life I have been blessed with. That’s an entirely new concept for me.

I’m a world class worrier. I get that from my Mom, who worries about people she’s never met. Her current worry obsession is for that little kid in the bank commercial who doesn’t get a real pony. She’s sure that the child will be scarred for life. I’m not that bad, but I’m close.

I can’t recall the last time that I stopped to smell the roses. If it had even crossed my mind to do it, I’m sure I would have talked myself out of it for fear of getting stung by a bee.

Too often, I've let life grab me by the collar and drag me past the spectacular creations that surround us. Who knows how many rainbows I've missed? Or how many dew covered spider webs I've walked by without noticing? How many times have I looked through one of daughters beautiful smiles or tuned out the glorious melody of their laughter? All of these things, and more, are gifts. To ignore them is a crime against myself.

I need to learn to say "no" to the things that don't really matter, and "yes" to the questions that never get asked. I need to take a nap when I have the opportunity so that I can be refreshed and awake when those wonderful surprises of life fall into my lap.

It’s not going to be easy. I’m barely half way through the first week and I’ve already had some work stress and a restless, sleep deprived night…but that’s okay. Change isn’t easy and it is almost never quick.

I need to be more like the tortoise; patient and wise. I’ve already got the round shape, and I’m prone to retreat into my shell, so now I just need to get my short legs moving and stay steady on course.

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